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Judging Criteria

Unless specifically stated otherwise in a particular themed pageant's event page or registration paperwork, Sweet Peach Pageantry uses the following judging criteria:


SCORING – Each Judge will award scores to each contestant for each category/event based on the judging criteria for that category/event.  All Judges' scores awarded for a category/event will then be combined to create the contestant's total score for that category/event.

MOST PHOTOGENIC – Each age division has a Most Photogenic award and goes to the contestant with the highest score. This score is awarded from the photo or photos entered in the Photo Contest portion of the pageant. One photo is included in the Registration Fee. Up to three (3) additional photos may be entered at $5 each for a total of four (4) photos.  Smiling or serious photos are equally acceptable. Photos may be natural, semi-glitz or glitz, should be 5x7 or 8x10, no frames please.  Regardless of the number of photos entered, only one score will be given by each Judge. Judges will choose the photo they are most drawn to out of the photos submitted and score that photo.  Photos are scored based on the Judges' opinion and preference using the following criteria:
  • Eye Contact – Judges will be looking at how engaging and captivating the eyes are in the photo.
  • Clairity/Quality – Although photos don't have to be professional photos, Judges will be looking at whether they have good composition and are sharp and clear.  The child should be the only person in the photo and the obvious primary focus of the photo.
  • Overall Appeal – Judges will award scores for this criteria based on how they are drawn to the photo.
PRETTIEST HAIR –  Each age division has a Prettiest Hair award and goes to the contestant with the highest score.  This score is awarded during the Beauty Wear line up and is based on the Judges' opinion and preference.  Whether the child's hair is natural or augmented with a wiglet/wig, Judges will look at the beauty of the hair style and how well the hair style compliments the natural beauty of the child. More is not necessarily better – a baby with a single curl or barely there hair can just as easily be deemed *prettiest hair* as can a child with a full head of hair or augmented with a wig/wiglet. Again, this score is at the Judges' discretion based on their opinion and preference.

PRETTIEST SMILE – Each age division has a Prettiest Smile award and goes to the contestant with the highest score.  This score is awarded during the Beauty Wear line up and is based on the Judges' opinion and preference.  Judges like to see the natural smile of the child.  Again, this score is at the Judges' discretion based on their opinion and preference.

PRETTIEST EYES – Each age division has a Prettiest Eyes award and goes to the contestant with the highest score.  This score is awarded during the Beauty Wear line up and is based on the Judges' opinion and preference.  Eyes may be natural or fully made up.  Judges will view the child's eyes for how they accentuate the child's face. Again, this score is at the Judges' discretion based on their opinion and preference.

MOST BEAUTIFUL – Each age division has a Most Beautiful award and goes to the contestant with the highest Facial Beauty score.  The Facial Beauty score is based on the contestant's complete facial make-up (if worn/applicable) and beauty and neatness of contestant from the neck up.

BEST BEAUTY WEAR – Each age division has a Best Beauty Wear award and goes to the contestant with the highest score.  This category is scored based on the Judges' opinion and preference using the following criteria:
  • Personality/Modeling – Judges look at what contestant's are able to do and how it relates to the age of the contestant.  For Personality, Judges are looking at contestant's character on stage. The contestant should be happy, excited and want to perform for the judges.  Contestants are to walk the designated pageant area and stop at each X to show off their personality, poise and beauty.  Judges watch for showmanship, confidence, eye contact with the Judges and audience, smile, pace, pivots, turns, posture, hands, arms, variety, technique.  Babies and small children may be carried or accompanied by an adult. There is no age limit for having a parent go on stage with a contestant, we want the contestants to feel as comfortable as possible while in front of the Judges.  Contestant's are not penalized for parental coaching -  using hand gestures and body motions to get the child to do specific moves and routines on stage.  However, a contestant will get a better score if they do not hesitate or look confused when performing.  Above all else, contestant's should enjoy themselves while on stage.
  • Overall Appearance – Contestants are judged on the overall look, how everything fits together, and the initial impression for the specific category.  Judges are looking for contestants who are attractive, personable, poised, confident and happy with themselves.
  • Choice of Attire – This score is based on how well the clothing fits, how age appropriate it is and how well it compliments the wearer.  Attire is not judged by the cost of the garment, who the designer is or how many beads are on the dress. A fancy pageant dress and a Sunday Best dress could be equally successful if they fit all of these criteria and if the contestant looks and feels great in them.
  • Facial Beauty – The Facial Beauty score is based on the contestant's complete facial make-up (if worn/applicable) and beauty and neatness of contestant from the neck up.  This score is also used to determine the winner of the Most Beautiful award.
All scores awarded by the Judges for the above criteria are combined into a single score for Best Beauty Wear.

BEST OUTFIT OF CHOICE - Each age division has a Best Outfit of Choice award and goes to the contestant with the highest score.  This category is scored based on the Judges' opinion and preference using the following criteria:
  • Personality/Modeling – Judges look at what contestant's are able to do and how it relates to the age of the contestant.  For Personality, Judges are looking at contestant's character on stage. The contestant should be happy, excited and want to perform for the judges.  Contestants are to walk the designated pageant area and stop at each X to show off their personality, poise and beauty.  Judges watch for showmanship, confidence, eye contact with the Judges and audience, smile, pace, pivots, turns, posture, hands, arms, variety, technique.  Babies and small children may be carried or accompanied by an adult. There is no age limit for having a parent go on stage with a contestant, we want the contestants to feel as comfortable as possible while in front of the Judges.  Contestant's are not penalized for parental coaching -  using hand gestures and body motions to get the child to do specific moves and routines on stage.  However, a contestant will get a better score if they do not hesitate or look confused when performing.  Above all else, contestant's should enjoy themselves while on stage.
  • Overall Appearance – Contestants are judged on the overall look, how everything fits together, and the initial impression for the specific category.  Judges are looking for contestants who are attractive, personable, poised, confident and happy with themselves.
  • Choice of Attire – This score is based on how well the clothing fits, how age appropriate it is and how well it compliments the wearer.  Attire is not judged by the cost of the garment or who the designer is.  A fancy custom pageant outfit and an off the rack outfit could be equally successful if they fit all of these criteria and if the contestant looks and feels great in them.
  • Theme/Creativity – This score is based on the originality of the outfit and how well it fits together and matches any applicable theme requirements.
All scores awarded by the Judges for the above criteria are combined into a single score for Best Outfit of Choice.

BEST THEME WEAR (OPTIONAL 2ND OOC) - Each themed pageant has a 2nd optional OOC called Theme Wear. Specific information on the pageant theme wear criteria is given in the registration packet for each pageant. Competition Groups on this Event will be determined based on number of entries and will be the contestant in each competition group with the highest score.  This category is scored based on the Judges' opinion and preference using the following criteria:
  • Personality/Modeling – Judges look at what contestant's are able to do and how it relates to the age of the contestant.  For Personality, Judges are looking at contestant's character on stage. The contestant should be happy, excited and want to perform for the judges.  Contestants are to walk the designated pageant area and stop at each X to show off their personality, poise and beauty.  Judges watch for showmanship, confidence, eye contact with the Judges and audience, smile, pace, pivots, turns, posture, hands, arms, variety, technique.  Babies and small children may be carried or accompanied by an adult. There is no age limit for having a parent go on stage with a contestant, we want the contestants to feel as comfortable as possible while in front of the Judges.  Contestant's are not penalized for parental coaching -  using hand gestures and body motions to get the child to do specific moves and routines on stage.  However, a contestant will get a better score if they do not hesitate or look confused when performing.  Above all else, contestant's should enjoy themselves while on stage.
  • Overall Appearance – Contestants are judged on the overall look, how everything fits together, and the initial impression for the specific category.  Judges are looking for contestants who are attractive, personable, poised, confident and happy with themselves.
  • Choice of Attire – This score is based on how well the clothing fits, how age appropriate it is and how well it compliments the wearer.  Attire is not judged by the cost of the garment or who the designer is.  A fancy custom pageant outfit and an off the rack outfit could be equally successful if they fit all of these criteria and if the contestant looks and feels great in them.
  • Theme/Creativity – This score is heavily based on the originality of the outfit and how well it fits together and matches the pageant theme. If utilized, custom music, props and talent, will also be judged based on originality, presentation, how well it fits together and representation of the pageant theme. 
All scores awarded by the Judges for the above criteria are combined into a single score for Best Theme Wear Outfit of Choice.


Overall Most Photogenic - This title will go to the (1) contestant with the highest photogenic score in the pageant. Title holder will receive a title sash and trophy.

Overall Most Beautiful - This title will go to the (1) contestant with the highest facial beauty score in the pageant.  Title holder will receive a title sash and trophy.

Overall Best Personality - This title will go to the (1) contestant with the highest combined personality score from the Beauty Wear and Outfit of Choice competitions. Title holder will receive a title sash and trophy.

Overall Best Beauty Wear/Best Dressed - This title will go to the (1) contestant with the highest score from the Beauty Wear competition. Title holder will receive a title sash and trophy.

Overall Outfit of Choice - This title will go to the (1) contestant with the highest score from the Outfit of Choice competition. Title holder will receive a title sash and trophy.

Overall Best Theme Wear - This title will go to the (1) contestant with the highest score from the Theme Wear Outfit of Choice competition.  Title holder will receive a large crown, title sash, trophy & Cash Prize of 50% of Theme Wear Entry Fees. Competition groups at the divisional level are determined by number of entries)


Ultimate Grand Supreme - There will be (1) UGS in this pageant. This title goes to the contestant with the highest combined scores from Beauty Wear, OOC, and Photogenic. Winner receives a crown, title sash, & trophy.  Supreme winners are not allowed to also win Divisional Queen titles.

Grand Supremes - There will be (3) Grand Supreme winners in this pageant. These titles go to the contestants with the highest combined scores from Beauty Wear, OOC, and Photogenic, under the UGS. The GS winners will be selected from the following age divisions, (0-23 mos), (2-6 yrs) and (7-12 yrs). Each GS winner receives a crown, title sash, & trophy . Supreme winners are not allowed to also win Divisional Queen titles.

Divisional Queens - There will be (1) Queen in each age division awarded to contestant with the highest combined scores from Beauty Wear, OOC, and Photogenic in that division. Queens will receive a crown, title sash & trophy.  Queens are not eligible to win UGS or GS titles.

Princesses – Princesses are all contestants that were not awarded UGS, GS or Queen titles.  All Princesses will receive a crown, title sash and trophy.

Sportsmanship - Although this is not part of the Judging Criteria, Sweet Peach Pageantry does promote top sportsmanship behavior in all contestants, their family members, and guests. Each contestant present should feel special when taking the stage regardless of how parents may feel about each other or other children in the competition. Therefore, it is asked that everyone applaud contestants as they enter and exit the stage. Also, when the competition is over and all awards given, it is expected that everyone smile and congratulate winners on their various titles. Please support your children with pride and joy no matter the outcome of awards. Every boy and girl that gets on the stage, should be able to twirl around and have FUN! Seeing a parent beaming with pride is a really special thing. How you as parents, family and friends handle winning and losing effects how children feel about themselves and their performance. A bad reaction by a grown up after awards can sap the joy from a child's performance and erode their sense of self confidence and accomplishment.  Although everyone enters a competition with their eye on winning the big titles, winning lesser titles helps children gain the ability to deal with disappointment and to learn to have pride in ALL their accomplishments no matter how big or small.

If you have issues with the pageant, judging, scoring, length of pageant, feel there were errors in some way etc. please don't vent negativity to others or put negative comments on our Facebook page or in Facebook groups etc. -- directly contact the Pageant Directors right away.  Feel free to ask for a private consult with us immediately at the pageant venue or contact us by email or PM through Facebook. We take all complaints and criticisms very seriously and will do what we can to tweak our system. We want *our* pageant system to be *your* pageant system of choice.

Sadly, on those rare instances where a parent, child or guest cannot reign in their disappointment and speak and behave badly at the pageant or afterwards, spreading ill will and negativity, Sweet Peach Pageantry will wish them well in their future competition endeavors and politely ask that they find another pageant system to compete in that better suits their needs and expectations.

As always, Thank You for choosing Sweet Peach Pageantry for your pageant competitions.

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