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Is your system natural, semi-glitz or glitz?
We are a natural, semi-glitz and glitz system. Therefore our pageant system works for every girl and boy! Pageant Hair & make-up are welcome but not required and should be age appropriate. Outfits for all contestants can be casual to glitzy based on the comfort of the contestants and their families.

Do you have a boys division?
We will gladly add a boys divisions for ages 3 and under if there are 3 or more firm registrations with deposits. We must receive registrations at least 3-6 weeks prior to the pageant date so that we have adequate time to order crowns, sashes and trophies. Mothers with sons are encouraged to recruit other mothers with sons so that we can add boys to our pageants.

Can I walk on stage with my child?
Babies and small children may be carried or accompanied by an adult. There is no age limit for having a parent go on stage with a contestant, we want the contestants to feel as comfortable as possible while in front of the Judges.

Can I coach my child on stage so that they do their modeling and routines correctly?
Contestant's are not penalized (no negative points deducted) for parental coaching - using hand gestures and body motions to get the child to do specific moves and routines on stage. However, a contestant will get a better score if they do not hesitate or look confused when performing.

How long does the pageant last?
Generally a pageant lasts approximately 5 hours. The exact length of a pageant is determined by many factors.
  • Registration - Registration is generally set well before the pageant begins to allow time for all contestants to register and then have time to dress for the start of the pageant. If all contestants arrive at the end of registration time or are late, this can extend the registration time period creating a domino effect pushing back the start time of the pageant. 
  • Number of Contestants - The number of contestants can greatly effect the length of a pageant. Each of our pageants has at least 4 events plus Crowning and Awards.  Each child has approximately two minutes on stage for each event which means each contestant could have up to approximately 8 minutes of stage time. 
  • Dressing for Events - Dressing for events and being ready to take the stage can sometimes take longer than expected. This can be due to a variety of reasons from hair and make up, to wardrobe issues or a child having a stressful moment, especially with infants. These type issues can not be forecast and are something that is rolled with as it comes. You can help by doing your best to be dressed timely.
  • Tally Time - Although this portion of the pageant goes relatively fast, it is *down time* and *boring* to most, and people are anxious for Crowning and Awards. Different pageant systems handle Tally Time different ways. Some dismiss everyone and have them leave the premises for a set period of time, others have entertainment/guest talent from prior winners in their system or some have parties consisting of simple refreshments and dancing. We have utilized each of these methods and found a break with option to leave the premises or remain for simple refreshments and music to work the best for us.  As for Tally Time -- it takes what it takes. This is not something that should be rushed. Judges need adequate time to tally the scores accurately. However, we do take every opportunity to simplify, streamline and perfect our tally system so that it goes as smoothly and quickly as possible.
  • Break Time - If the pageant does utilize off premise break time between end of competition and Crowning and Awards, please do your part by returning timely. Any lateness by contestants returning from break time extends the length of the pageant as Crowning and Awards cannot commence until everyone has returned and are dressed and ready.
Why do your pageants begin at noon instead of early morning?
Our venue, the Muskoge Civic Center, does not allow us to enter the premises until 8 a.m. We need at least 3 hours time to set up the trophy table, sound equipment, registration table, decorate and get our Judges orientated and ready.

Can I bring my other children that aren't competing?
Yes. All children in a family are welcome to attend the pageant. There is an admission fee for all children 3 yrs and older. The rules of the venue does require that all children be attended by an adult at all times. Children are not permitted to roam the halls of the venue or enter rooms other than those being utilized by the pageant. Young children should be accompanied when going to the restrooms because they are open to the public and may be in use by members of the public or people from other events being hosted within the building.

Are food and drinks allowed on the premises?
Food and drinks are welcomed. In fact, we sometimes serve light refreshments and drinks at our events.  We understand that children often need snacks and drinks to help get them through a long event, especially if they are non-competitors there to support siblings. All that is asked is that you help us stay in compliance with the venue's rules by promptly cleaning up any spills or dropped foods. Also please don't risk expensive pageant clothes of contestants with spilled drinks or dirty/sticky hands. We will keep this open policy on food and drinks as long as no issues and complaints occur. Please see a complete list of our venue's rules here.

How are contestants judged?
Each pageant system has their own judging criteria. Ours can be found here.

Who are your Judges?
The accuracy and fairness of judging and the safety of children participating in our pageants is top priority to us. The Judges we use must be mature adults who are experienced in the pageant industry. We choose Judges that we have a good rapport with, are not kin to us, known to be reliable and have a good record.  We use individuals that we personally know or are recommended to us by other directors that we know and trust. Not only do we value the expertise of our judges, but also all the hard work they bring to the pageant experience to judge and tally scores and assist us as directors in all ways regarding set up, passing out awards and break down after the pageant.

If you are interested in being a Judge for Sweet Peach Pageantry events, please review our pageant calendar and use our contact form to send us your name, experience and availability .

What is meant by *sportsmanship* in a pageant?
Sportsmanship at a pageant is the expectation that contestants, their family members and guests will handle the event competitions and results of the awards and crowning with dignity and grace. Although everyone enters a competition with their eye on winning the big titles, winning lesser titles helps children gain the ability to deal with disappointment and to learn to have pride in ALL their accomplishments no matter how big or small. Results of a pageant should NEVER be seen as a negative reflection on your child - it is just the way the competition went on a particular day with that competition's contestants and Judges. Also, children are people too, we all have *off* days - so please remember to show pride and joy in your child's accomplishments regardless of titles taken.

What if I have issues or concerns with one of your pageants?
If you have issues with one of our pageants, whether it be about judging, scoring, length of pageant, or other concerns or complaints, please don't vent negativity to others or put negative comments on our Facebook page or in Facebook groups etc. -- PLEASE directly contact the Pageant Directors right away.  Feel free to ask for a private consultation with us IMMEDIATELY at the pageant venue or contact us by email or PM through Facebook. We take all complaints and criticisms very seriously and will do what we can to resolve issues and tweak our system. We want *our* pageant system to be *your* pageant system of choice.

Sadly, on those rare instances where a parent, child or guest cannot reign in their disappointment and speak and behave badly at the pageant or afterwards, spreading ill will and negativity, Sweet Peach Pageantry will wish them well in their future competition endeavors and politely ask that they find another pageant system to compete in that better suits their needs and expectations.

What are the age groups in SPP pageants?
Age Divisions for SPP's system are:
  • Baby Miss Sweet Peach - 0-11 mos
  • Tiny Miss Sweet Peach - 12-23 mos
  • Mini Miss Sweet Peach - 2-3 yrs
  • Little Miss Sweet Peach - 4-6 yrs  
  • Junior Miss Sweet Peach - 7-9 yrs
  • Young Miss Sweet Peach - 10-12 yrs
Are your pageants Crown All pageants?
Yes. We believe every contestant should be rewarded for competing.

Does every contestant get the same size crown?
This varies from pageant to pageant based on the theme. Some of our competitions have graduated size crowns and some have all the same crowns. Additionally, sometimes all the crowns are the same style and size but the UGS, GS & Queens have different color crowns than Princesses. Photos of crowns and trophies for each pageant are posted on our Facebook page.

Do you have custom crowns?
In our 2014 pageant season we did not. Because we priced our 2014 pageants as a *one fee includes all categories and sides*, we forfeited the ability to afford custom crowns. We will revisit this possibility when planning our 2015 pageant season.

What Titles and Awards are given at your pageants?
Our system does not double crown in Divisions and Pageant Titles - contestants may win only ONE of the following titles per competition.
  • 1 Ultimate Grand Supreme - highest scoring contestant in the pageant
  • 1 Grand Supreme 0-23 mos - highest scoring contestant in this age division that is not awarded UGS
  • 1 Grand Supreme 2-6 yrs - highest scoring contestant in this age division that is not awarded UGS
  • 1 Grand Supreme 7-13 yrs - highest scoring contestant in this age division that is not awarded UGS
  • 6 Queens - highest scoring contestant in each Age Division that is not awareded UGS or GS
  • Princesses - all contestants that were not awarded Queen, GS or UGS titles
Side Awards and Overalls: Contestants may win any of the side awards or overall side awards regardless of receiving any of the above Division and Pageant Titles.

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