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Sunday, October 12, 2014

No Experience Necessary & Other Pageant Criteria

Every pageant has its own style and judging criteria. A director may have a pageant system that rates every pageant the same, or, they may have different criteria for different pageants. For the most part, Sweet Peach Pageantry uses the same criteria for all of its pageants.  If any of our pageants do have different criteria, it will be clearly defined in the paperwork.

It is the aims and goals of Sweet Peach Pageantry pageants to provide an environment for young girls to learn grace and poise, develop self-confidence and public speaking and public appearance skills as well as elevate self-esteem.

Below is a bit of explanation about Sweet Peach Pageantry pageants criteria.

No experience is necessary to enter Sweet Peach Pageantry pageants. Everybody has to start somewhere, so start with us. Our pageants are PERFECT for first timers.  Don't worry about what you don't know, if you have any questions, just ask. We're happy to answer any and all questions. In 2015 we will be doing coaching videos to help newbies get up and running easily with our pageant system. Be sure to watch for them.

Beauty Scores. Many people unfamiliar with the pageant world believe that winning a pageant heavily relies on beauty - that a beauty score alone is the be-all/end-all of winning. There is a portion in Sweet Peach Pageantry pageants that rates facial beauty. However, that rating counts towards one title only and it, along with many other criteria determine pageant awards.

It should be noted that beauty scores are subjective because each Judge has a personal view on what *they* find to be beautiful about a face of a child.  Also factoring into the it is whether the child is competing natural, semi-glitz or glitz. When a child is competing natural, it could be their wonderful smile that lights up their whole face. It could be those impish freckles or perhaps a child's toothless grin whether an infant or a toddler that has shed her front teeth. For semi-glitz with a light touch of complimentary makeup, it could be very similar. In glitz, it could be her natural features as well as how well the child's makeup compliments her natural features.

So, in actuality, the beauty of a child is more than outer beauty, there is that inner sparkle, that pizzazz, that self confidence, their joyful spirit, their natural features -- all those things are part of a child's beauty no matter what their physical appearance is. So big or small, short or tall, every child is beautiful.

Personality/Modeling -- Some pageants advertise they don't use modeling scores, they only use personality and beauty scores. Sweet Peach Pageantry uses a single combined Personality/Modeling score.  We do this because personality should always be heavily considered with any child, especially since infants and tiny toddlers can't really be expected to have developed modeling skills. But for older girls, they receive credit for having both. A child who lacks modeling skills but has oodles and gobs of personality can still score well. However, even though modeling skills are not an absolute necessity in our pageants, it is encouraged with girls ages 3 and up.

Our next pageant is Camelot Cuties Medieval Adventure. Muskogee, OK: $50 Deposit - $150 registration includes Beauty, OOC & all side awards. $30 optional 2nd Theme Wear OOC - Camelot Couture. Crown All - Sash All - Trophy All. Only taking 20 contestants - must have 10 entries for this pageant to make. See photos of unique crowns in comments and on Event Page. UGS thru Princess gets the same size and style crown.  Click here for more event details.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Delightful Gemmed Shoes Tutorial

As pageant directors and with a child that competes in pageants, we are ever on the lookout for neat pageant ideas. Sometimes I find things that are just too good not to share. This is one of those times. I found this tutorial for these GORGEOUS gemmed shoes. I think Dorothy herself could be proud of these red beauties. But don't stop at red, I can see a rainbow of colors and styles to go with any outfit, how about you? Click the picture to go check out the article on or click here.